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2 Full Days Speed Reading Journey for High School Students: “High School Intensive Reading Immersion: 2-Day Program for Academic Success”

Welcome to the “High School Intensive Reading Immersion: 2-Day Program for Academic Success,” an exciting journey designed to propel high school students towards reading excellence over the course of two immersive days. In this comprehensive program, tailored specifically for high school students, we are embarking on a transformative experience aimed at revolutionizing the way you read and comprehend complex texts. From tackling textbooks to analyzing literature, mastering the art of speed reading is essential for achieving academic success, and this intensive workshop is your gateway to unlocking that potential.

Over the course of two full days, the “High School Intensive Reading Immersion” will dive deep into advanced speed reading techniques, comprehension strategies, and time management skills. Through interactive workshops, practical exercises, and personalized coaching, you will gain the tools and confidence needed to read faster, retain more information, and approach your studies with newfound efficiency and effectiveness. Whether you’re preparing for exams, researching for projects, or simply aiming to become a more proficient reader, this program will provide you with the skills and strategies necessary to excel in every academic endeavor.

As we embark on this exhilarating journey together, prepare to immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment filled with opportunities for growth, exploration, and discovery. Whether you’re a seasoned speed reader or just beginning your journey, the “High School Intensive Reading Immersion” is your pathway to achieving reading mastery and unlocking your full potential as a learner. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to embark on an unforgettable two-day adventure towards academic success through speed reading excellence!


  1. Introduce high school students to advanced speed reading techniques, including skimming, scanning, and chunking, to increase reading speed while maintaining comprehension.
  2. Enhance students’ comprehension abilities through targeted exercises and strategies aimed at deepening understanding and retention of complex information.
  3. Provide practical tips and tricks for managing time effectively during reading sessions and incorporating speed reading into daily study routines.
  4. Foster critical thinking skills by encouraging students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information encountered during rapid reading sessions.
  5. Empower students to set personalized reading goals and track their progress in their journey toward speed reading mastery.
  6. Demonstrate how speed reading can be applied across various high school subjects and disciplines, including science, literature, history, and mathematics.
  7. Offer opportunities for collaborative learning and peer-to-peer feedback to enhance understanding and retention of speed reading techniques.
  8. Cultivate a growth mindset by emphasizing that speed reading is a skill that can be developed with practice and perseverance.
  9. Provide resources and recommendations for continued practice and improvement of speed reading skills beyond the workshop.
  10. Encourage students to explore the benefits of speed reading for lifelong learning and personal development.
  11. Create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel motivated to take risks, ask questions, and engage actively in the pursuit of speed reading excellence.
  12. Teach foundational speed reading skills such as skimming, scanning, and minimizing subvocalization to increase reading speed while maintaining comprehension.
  13. Foster collaboration and peer learning through group activities and discussions centered around speed reading strategies.
  14. Promote self-reflection and metacognitive awareness of reading habits, strengths, and areas for growth.
  15. Instill a sense of confidence and empowerment in students, knowing that they possess the skills and strategies necessary to excel in their academic pursuits.
  16. Celebrate the progress and achievements of each participant, recognizing their dedication and commitment to mastering speed reading and achieving academic success.

As the “High School Intensive Reading Immersion” comes to a close, we celebrate the remarkable progress and achievements of each participant on their journey toward speed reading mastery. In just two days, you’ve gained valuable insights, techniques, and strategies that will serve you well in your academic endeavors and beyond. Remember, speed reading is not just about reading faster—it’s about reading smarter, enhancing comprehension, and unlocking your full potential as a learner. With dedication and practice, you’ll continue to refine your speed reading skills and achieve even greater success in your studies and beyond. Congratulations on taking this important step toward becoming a more confident and proficient reader. The possibilities for academic excellence are endless, and with your newfound speed reading skills, you’re well-equipped to seize them all. Keep reading, keep learning, and keep striving for greatness!

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$889.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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