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2 Full Days Study Skills Workshop for Polytechnic Students: “Poly Study Summit: Two Full Days Immersed in Strategies for Polytechnic Success”

Welcome to “Poly Study Summit: Two Full Days Immersed in Strategies for Polytechnic Success,” a comprehensive workshop tailored exclusively for polytechnic students seeking to elevate their study skills and academic performance. Over the course of two immersive days, participants will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and skill enhancement, delving into a diverse range of strategies and techniques essential for success in their academic endeavors. From mastering time management to honing critical thinking abilities, “Poly Study Summit” offers a dynamic learning experience designed to empower students with the tools and mindset necessary to excel in their studies and beyond.

Throughout the workshop, participants will engage in a series of interactive sessions, facilitated by experienced educators and mentors passionate about student success. Each session is thoughtfully curated to address key areas of study skills, including effective note-taking, collaborative learning, and problem-solving techniques. Through hands-on activities, group discussions, and reflective exercises, students will have the opportunity to apply newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios, fostering deeper understanding and retention of course material.

“Poly Study Summit” goes beyond traditional study skills workshops, providing participants with a holistic approach to academic success that encompasses personal development and lifelong learning. By immersing themselves in this intensive learning experience, students will emerge with heightened confidence, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose in their academic pursuits. Join us for two days of exploration, growth, and empowerment as we navigate the path to polytechnic success together through “Poly Study Summit: Two Full Days Immersed in Strategies for Polytechnic Success.”


1. Master Time Management: Equip students with strategies to effectively prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and optimize study schedules for maximum productivity.

2. Enhance Note-taking Skills: Develop efficient note-taking techniques to capture key information, organize course material, and facilitate better understanding and retention.

3. Refine Critical Thinking Abilities: Cultivate critical thinking skills, including analysis, evaluation, and synthesis, to approach academic challenges with depth and clarity.

4. Promote Collaborative Learning: Foster teamwork and cooperation among participants through group projects, discussions, and peer-to-peer feedback, enhancing mutual learning and support.

5. Strengthen Study Habits: Provide practical guidance on creating effective study habits, setting achievable goals, and maintaining focus and motivation.

6. Improve Information Literacy: Enhance participants’ ability to evaluate, synthesize, and cite information from diverse sources ethically and effectively.

7. Enhance Communication Skills: Develop verbal and written communication skills essential for presenting ideas, participating in discussions, and engaging with course material.

8. Cultivate Problem-solving Skills: Foster a problem-solving mindset through case studies, simulations, and real-world scenarios, encouraging participants to apply analytical skills to resolve complex issues.

9. Empower Self-reflection and Self-assessment: Encourage self-reflection and self-assessment to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, fostering a growth mindset and continuous improvement.

10. Build Resilience and Adaptability: Equip participants with strategies to cope with academic challenges, setbacks, and stressors, promoting resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

11. Facilitate Goal Setting and Action Planning: Guide students in setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) and creating action plans to achieve academic and personal objectives effectively.

12. Inspire Lifelong Learning: Cultivate a passion for lifelong learning and personal development, instilling a curiosity-driven mindset and a commitment to ongoing education and growth.

13. Encourage Creative Thinking and Innovation: Stimulate creativity and innovation through brainstorming sessions, design thinking exercises, and problem-solving challenges, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

14. Promote Ethical Conduct and Academic Integrity: Reinforce the importance of ethical conduct and academic integrity, emphasizing the value of honesty, fairness, and responsible scholarship.

15. Foster Leadership and Teamwork Skills: Develop leadership qualities and teamwork skills through group projects, role-playing activities, and leadership development workshops, preparing students for future leadership roles and collaborative endeavors.

16. Empower Career Readiness and Professional Development: Provide insights into career exploration, resume building, job search strategies, and professional networking, empowering students to transition successfully from academia to the workplace.

In conclusion, the “Poly Study Summit: Two Full Days Immersed in Strategies for Polytechnic Success” offers participants an extensive and holistic learning experience aimed at equipping them with the essential skills and mindset for academic excellence and personal development. Through a diverse range of activities targeting time management, critical thinking, collaboration, and more, attendees will emerge with heightened confidence, resilience, and a deeper understanding of their academic goals.

The summit not only focuses on immediate academic needs but also fosters a commitment to lifelong learning and growth. By empowering participants with the tools to navigate challenges, set goals, and cultivate a growth mindset, the summit lays the foundation for sustained success beyond the classroom. Join us for two days of exploration, collaboration, and empowerment as we embark on a journey toward polytechnic success together through the “Poly Study Summit.”

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates,  9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$889.97
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: 6

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